
Overcoming Overwhelming

At some point in their term, most fraternity/sorority leaders eventually become overwhelmed. Too many projects. Too many commitments. Too little time. No clear next step. And formerly grand visions that seem much more daunting now that it’s time to do the work. The single most important thing you can do in this moment is plan.  Dedicate a significant block of time, and sit down to think through every little detail that needs to happen.  David Allen would suggest that once you get everything out of your head and down on paper, your stress level immediately drops.

28 People You Should Meet

If you're a chapter or council officer, you need to be ready for anything that comes your way. That means starting out by establishing a connection to all the people with whom you might work during your term. At the very least, get these people into your phone, your emai, your contact list, and your planner:

    19 Steps Most Officers Skip

    School is back in session, and it's time to get started! But how can you be sure to end your term on a high note?

    There are a few basic steps that new fraternity and sorority officers often overlook when returning for Part 2 of their term.  Don't let the simple things spoil your legacy - find out how to hit every goal you have for the semester!

    Every Professional Active?

    This past summer, RISE revisited its purpose, and accepted the challenge to help every member become more active and engaged in their fraternity / sorority experience.  While the extent to which members are “active” will vary, it is an appropriate goal for us, a company committed to improving the fraternal movement. As dedicated  supporters of the interfraternal community, we challenge our fellow professionals to be more “active" in their role. By active we don't mean volume, we mean intention.  Here are five ways you can become more active as a fraternity/sorority professional:

      Get Them Off the Couch!

      I like my couch.  It's comfortable.  It's familiar. If it were possible, I could lay there for weeks at a time. It's in exactly the right spot in my living room, and everything I need is at my fingertips: my Chex-mix, my drink, and the remote control. At some point, though, it will be time to snap into action. There's no question: work needs to be done - I need to move - I'll be happier later for getting up now. But there are a million forces sucking me back down. There are only 15 minutes left in this show. My head hurts. I'll have time to do that later. There's another episode of Jersey Shore on next.